BC547 NPN DIP Transistor (Pack of 20)

  • The item is a BC547 NPN DIP transistor
  • Collector with a current (DC/A).of 100
  • Junctions The temperature is 150°C.
  • Vcb, or collector-base voltage (V): 50
  • 45 Vce, or collector-emitter voltage

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A popular NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in a DIP (Dual Inline Package) design is the BC547. Here are a few salient characteristics and details: Because of its adaptability, affordability, and simplicity of use, the BC547 transistor is frequently utilised in a wide range of electronic circuits, particularly in educational and hobbyist projects.


  • Type: NPN transistor, which implies that when a modest current is provided to the base, current can move from the collector to the emitter.
  • Package: For simple placement on a circuit board, the DIP package is a through-hole package with two parallel rows of pins.
  • Applications: Frequently utilised as general-purpose transistors in a range of electronic devices, as well as in switching and amplification circuits.
  • Maximum Voltage and Current Ratings: Generally speaking, the maximum collector current (Ic) is approximately 100mA, while the maximum collector-base voltage (Vcbo) is approximately 50V.
  • Gain (hFE): Depending on the particular type and manufacturer, the DC current gain, or amplification factor, of the BC547 transistor is normally between 110 and 800.
  • Frequency Range: Suitable for audio and general-purpose amplifier circuits, this frequency range can operate from low to moderate.
  • Polarity: Its pinout, which comprises the collector (C), base (B), and emitter (E) connections, is that of an NPN transistor.

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