Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter Kit without Raspberry Pi

  1. All in one Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter Kit
  2. A basic beginner kit with all the necessary components to jumpstart your interest in learning and making your own projects.

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The Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter Kit: Perfect for Electronics Enthusiasts

The Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter Kit is the ideal choice for electronics enthusiasts and beginners looking to dive into the Raspberry Pi development environment. This kit comes with a comprehensive guide that enables anyone, regardless of experience, to start creating both simple and complex projects.


  • Detailed Lessons and Commented Codes: For most sensors and components in the kit, detailed lessons and commented code are provided, making it easier to work with various sensors and components.
  • Web Server Capability: The Raspberry Pi 4 Model B included in the kit can host a web server, allowing you to store files, web pages, and more on its 32 GB internal memory.
  • Versatile Project Possibilities: You can create a variety of projects, such as:
    • Weather Monitoring Station: Display information on a web page or a phone app, or store it in the internal memory at specific intervals.
    • Digital Piano: Build a piano interface on a web page, where pressing a key triggers the corresponding note on a buzzer.

Project Examples:

  1. Weather Monitoring Station:
    • Use sensors to gather weather data.
    • Display the information on a web page or a phone app.
    • Store the data in the internal memory at regular intervals for later analysis.
  2. Digital Piano:
    • Design a piano interface on a web page.
    • Play musical notes through a buzzer when keys are pressed on the web interface.

Get Started with Raspberry Pi Development:

With the Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter Kit, you have everything you need to start exploring the world of Raspberry Pi. Whether you are building a weather station, a digital piano, or any other innovative project, this kit provides the components, lessons, and support to help you succeed

Package Includes:

1 x 1 m HDMI – micro-HDMI cable
1 x 5V, 3 A Power Supply with USB type C output
5 x 5mm blue LEDs – 5pcs
5 x 5mm red LEDs – 5pcs
5 x 5mm yellow LEDs – 5pcs
5  x 5mm green LEDs – 5pcs
5 x 5mm white LEDs – 5pcs
1 x 5mm RGB LED with common cathode
11 sets of resistors with 10 pieces
10 x 10 Ω – 10pcs
10 x 100 Ω – 10pcs
10 x 150 Ω – 10pcs
10 x 220 Ω – 10pcs
10 x 330 Ω – 10pcs
10 x 1 kΩ – 10pcs
10 x 2 kΩ – 10pcs
10 x 5.1 kΩ – 10pcs
10 x 10 kΩ – 10pcs
10 x 100 kΩ – 10pcs
10 x 1 MΩ – 10pcs

1 x MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope
1 x Breadboard 830p
1 x L293D motor driver
1 x Set of 65 male-male jumper wires for breadboard
1 x 100 nF ceramic capacitor
1 x HC-SR04+ ultrasonic sensor
1 x 5 push buttons
1 x SG90 90° servomotor
1 x Photoresistor
1 x 4 NPN 2N2222 transistors;
1 x DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor compatible with 3.3 V
1 x 2 1N4007 diodes
1 x 2 74HC595 shift registers
1 x 4 Digit 7 Segment display with common cathode
1 x Red Led Bar
1 x DC Motor
1 x Propeller
1 x 5 V relay
1 x Set of 10 20 cm male-female wires
1 x Passive buzzer

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